Save the date: Texas Style Council 2012

Just a quick little note to let y'all know that I'm hard at work on organizing the Texas Style Council conference, which is the third annual style blogger meet-up during SXSW this year. (Don't go to the website, though. It's a hot mess while we try to move everything from last year to a 2011 subdomain and start from scratch on a fresh, more simple redesign for the 2012 conference).
If you're a style blogger or a lifestyle blogger, you've got to come to Austin for the Texas Style Council conference. We're doing it March 9, 10, and 11th, and we're hard at work getting things under way. Those dates happen to coincide with Austin's famous SXSW, so it's an amazing time to be in town. Last year we played host to over 150 bloggers and shop owners including Jen from Jen Loves Kev, Kendi from Kendi Everyday, and James from Bleubird Vintage and tons more.
It felt a little like summer camp where we made fast friends and were sad to part ways at the end of the long weekend. This year is going to be some more of the same fun, so start planning your trip and carpools now. Registration and sponsorship opportunities will be available after January 1st, and we sold out of both in less than six weeks last year. I hope you'll make it. It's going to be great fun!
If you don't believe me, you've got to check out Nathan Russell's photos from last year.

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

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