Giveaway [closed]: Boon Flair Highchair

I don't write about a ton of mom stuff here because I've worked so hard to establish this blog as a fashion and decor site, but exceptions can be made (especially when one's mom blog is in transition, right?). Back in September Jude and I were given the opportunity to review a Flair highchair by Boon.

We love Boon products. We have their grass drying rack and the frog shaped bath storage thingy. They're among the most used products in our house.

The highchair review opportunity could not have come at a better time. Jude was using a little chair that hung on the table, but the table had a lip on it, so we had to attach it to the extension leaf. Every time he'd bounce in his chair, I thought for sure the table leaf was going to fall off (the kid bounces hard!). Then when we started giving him a spoon, he nicked our gorgeous Craigslist find all up. We were on the hunt for a real deal high chair. Two of my friends who recently had kids had registered for this crazy $400 high chair. I needed something nice that would go with my somewhat modern decor, would last through all of my future children, but would not break the bank. Enter: Boon's Flair chair. Check out the video we made:


[vimeo 33004775 w=600 h=338]We absolutely love our Flair chair. Jude uses it every single day, at least three times a day. We got it in September and it's still in really great condition. That's saying a lot because my kid loves to eat and we got a white pad on the chair (the pad is a little scratched but is otherwise spotless since it cleans so easily). I could not be happier so that's why I'm incredibly excited that one of you can win one of these for yourself. They retail for $279.99, so this is a super great giveaway!Jude's excited, too. Can you tell?


Edit: form removed. Giveaway period ended.

If you dig this amazing giveaway, please make sure to check out Boon all over the web:

Website | Facebook | Twitter.

Hasn't this been fun? It's kind of like Christmas over here already with so many giveaways. I really appreciate all the new connections I've made on Google, Bloglovin', Twitter, and Facebook. Make sure to bookmark my new blog Indiana Elsewhere. It's not ready, yet (give me one more day!), but all new followers there will have an extra opportunity to win this Flair Highchair. Go >>>

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

Save the date: Texas Style Council 2012


Giveaway [closed]: $45 Rebecca gift certificate