kate spade/ great trade

This whole "having met my monthly allotment of clothing money" thing has really forced me to be more creative with my outfits! Two nights ago I caught myself poring over the Kate Spade clothing line again when I realized that I had enough pieces in my closet to pay an homage to part of the collection.

kate spade inspirations
First up is one of the looks I wore for Tuesday's photoshoot with Annie Ray. Since her photograph won't be published until Nov-freaking-ember, I thought it would be okay to show off my ensemble:

great trade 1

dress: Karta via Buffalo Exchange
chubbie: Banana Republic via Buffalo Exchange
bangle: gift from my dear friend Melissa
bracelets: Ten Thousand Villages
bag: Buffalo Exchange
flats: Urban Outfitters
tights: Express via Buffalo Exchange
[see the kate spade outfit here]

Next up is an outfit that I probably wouldn't normally wear, unless I had some sort of awesome office job. Nonetheless, I like it and should brave up to try wearing this out sometime:

great trade 2

coat: thrifted Kenneth Cole via Savers
glasses: Buffalo Exchange (new merch)
necklace: DIY (see below)
pants: Marshalls
bag: Marshalls
flats: Payless
dress (as shirt): gift from Laura Dahl
bangle: gift from Melissa
[see the kate spade outfit here]

DIY necklace

This easy DIY necklace is simply a cheap, fake pearl bracelet (the stretchy kind) looped around a silver chain.

Pride & Prejudice bracelet

My friend Melissa bought me this bracelet while she was on a homeschooler's conference (yes, you read that right). I love it! It's decoupaged pages of Pride and Prejudice. If you look closely, you can see quotes like, "Mr. Darcy is all politeness" and "Catherine was disconcerted". I adore Jane Austen (haha! See what I did there?), and this bracelet is now one of my most favorite items. The girl who sold it to my friend is selling 'em on Etsy, too.

Even though I did a good job replicating the kate spade items (and saved thousands and thousands of dollars), I am still pining for that owl purse in the top left photo. Rumor has it that they've been sold out for forever and there's no way in Hades that I'll ever lay eyes on one, let alone hold one in my hot little hands. It's days like these that I wished I could sew.

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

Thank you, Grace's Birdcage and Punky Style!


My tights may or may not have jaundice