Cool stuff I did for work: Colors Personality Quiz

My first introduction to Karen Stubbs and Birds on a Wire, the mom's ministry she founded, was doing a study called Mom Core over the summer with a group of women who live nearby. It's one of Karen's most popular curriculums (and if you're a member of Right Now Media, you can watch it here, otherwise you can get it here).  I need to tell you: lesson four in Mom Core, the "Being a Student of Your Child" lesson, fundamentally changed how I parented. I stopped parenting according to "house rules" and stopped giving each child the same consequences even though I thought that was most "fair". After figuring out each of my kids' personality color (as well as my own) I felt that I needed to really take the time to try to understand my children as individuals. Since doing so, I've been able to see how our very different personalities affect our relationships with each other, I know how my kids will respond to discipline, and I can even predict how they may react in certain situations. 

Since Karen refers to these personality colors often on her podcast, blog, and conferences, my business partner Katie and I wanted to create a quick and easy way for moms to be able to figure out their personality colors as well as their kiddos. Katie wrote the test (based on Personality Patch training at Pathways to Excellence), and I got to implement the test over on the Birds on a Wire website. We had one little hiccup where it didn't work on mobile, but after deploying it last night and fixing a bit of the code this afternoon, it's working fantastically! I am super excited that so many moms have taken the test! 

If you want to take a go at it, it's located at

I'm a yellow (with about 25% red) who is raising a red (Jude), a blue (Caroline), and a yellow (Lucy). Chris is green, so we basically have a bag of Skittles as a family! It explains so much, and it's been such a treat making a tool that helps other moms find out if they're parenting against or with their kids' personality types. 

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Indiana Adams
I like clothes, chicken wings, and sunshine.

Lucy on her 4th birthday


Introducing: Coffee + Crumbs, Season Three