thredUP // Challenge, Part 2

What's this? Another outfit post?

Yes, ma'am. Let me tell you something about outfit posts: When I started Adored Austin back in 2009, my outfit posts were just filler on what I'd call "slow news days"-- days when I didn't have any fashion happens to cover or celebrities to snark on. There were a lot of slow news days, so in the baby stages of my blog, there were a lot of outfit posts. To be up front, I have never considered myself to be a great stylist or innovative outfit-put-togetherer (<-- official term, right?). In fact, I've always maintained that I'm not into fashion insomuch as I'm into shopping.

But when the queen of all style blogs says you should be doing outfit posts more often, you toss a glass of champagne down your throat, kick your feet up on a couch in the presidential suite of a swanky hotel, and you say, "Yes, ma'am!" This is precisely what happened to me at The Hundred last weekend. At Grace's and Britt's urging I went to Kendi's Fashion Styling 101 session and got (kindly) admonished for being an #OOTD slacker. Well deserved and exactly the kick in the (food stained yoga) pants that I needed to get back in the game. I learned some tips and tricks for posing and putting together an outfit that makes me feel a little more put together... even if I haven't brushed my hair in a month. 

Although this was taken before The Hundred, here's thredUP outfit #2, which I wasn't going to post originally:


Date: 3 August 2014 // occasion: IHOP family date
dress: GAP c/o thredUP // bag: RedEnvelope (gift from my MIL) // kimono: - No clue, sorry? Blame mom brain-- it's real! I want to say I got this via Groupon, but that can't be right! Can it? - // necklace: Ragalicious (vintage) // sunglasses: 80's Purple // sandals: ShoeMint

There. I hope you're happy, Kendi. Dear reader, if you don't like this there's only one person to blame, and her last name is Everyday. 

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

Currently: 8/16


thredUP // Challenge, Part 1