thredUP // Challenge, Part 1

Don't ever dare me to do something when it comes to style. Because more than likely I will be unable to say no (see also: cow vest on the morning news last week). 

Way back in June, thredUP, the world's largest online consignment shop, dared me to enter their $100 summer style challenge. They asked me to see how many items I could buy and style from thredUP with only $100. I added an extra layer of complexity by only shopping their new X Collection department, which features contemporary styles and brands like Free People, Alice + Olivia, and DvF for sale for 60%- 85% retail prices. 

So... yeah... again, almost all my clothes are on the moving truck, so I was all about this. I shopped thoughtfully, looking for quality over quantity, and this is what I found:

(L-R) Splendid blouse- $21.49, Vince pants- $58.99, GAP dress- $8.49, and Vince Camuto top- $11.99.

(L-R) Splendid blouse- $21.49, Vince pants- $58.99, GAP dress- $8.49, and Vince Camuto top- $11.99.

Here's outfit #1: 

DATE: 5 August 2014 // OCCASION: work day with Melissa at Radio
TOP: Splendid c/o thredUP // PANTS: Vince c/o thredUP // BAG: c/o Consuela (designed in Austin) // SANDALS: Teva // HAT: PacSun

Tim Gunn has been quoted as saying that everyone needs an alternative to a sweatsuit, something they can pop on and run errands in and not look like they're on the way to the gym. In fact, in his widely published "10 Essentials" list, a sweatsuit alternative is #9. Sweatsuit alternative, huh? He's probably not talking about a windbreaker suit (darn), but... sweats are sweats are sweats are sweats, right? 


I never understood what TG meant by this until these pants arrived. These are my sweat pants alternative! I have been LIVING in these pants since they arrived. L-I-V-I-N-G. These pants are crisp yet slouchy. Dressy but casual. Polished but comfortable. In other words, I love them. They have instantly joined my "heavy rotation wear" gang. 

Two more thredUP outfits to come. In the meantime, check out the site here. If you're new to the thredUP, sign up using my link and you'll get $20 and I'll get $10.00 to use on the site. But don't go looking for more sweatpants alternatives. Those are mine. All mine, people. 

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

thredUP // Challenge, Part 2


A surprise for Emily