22 weeks // winterizing... almost!

Curse this Austin weather! One week ago there was a freeze advisory, so I thought for sure I would need a winter coat ASAP. I haven't bought a new winter coat in over seven years, believe it or not (since moving to Texas, actually). One of the women in my city group recommended that in addition to good maternity jeans that I get a coat that is specifically for a pregnant belly. Assuming I would have a string of 30º- 40º nights, I saw this maternity parka on sale at ASOS, used a promo code for free two day shipping, and BAM! -- My new fur lined coat arrived... on an 80º day.

date: 21 Nov 2013 // occasion: Ikea run
dress: GAP (maternity) // coat: ASOS (maternity) // necklace: Ragalicious c/o Paypal Cash for Registers // socks: American Apparel // boots: Sorel c/o Planet Shoes 

That's okay. I imagine that I'll get good use out of it in Atlanta over the holidays and in the midwest if we decide to make another trip to see my (ailing) grandmother. There's a drawstring on the inside at the waist, so perhaps that's what makes it "maternity". Nonetheless, I'm pretty sure I'll be wearing this for the for next 7+ years regardless if my womb is occupied again or not (but let's face it, at this rate, it probably will be... right, Chris?!)

It's starting to get cooler again, but alas, I'm a summer lover, not a fan of fall and winter. I hate pumpkin spice, and I'd rather go to a swimming pool than a ski resort. I'm going to do bare legs for as long as possible!

Can we talk about these boots for a sec? I had been eying the Sorel Joan of Arctic boots forever after seeing them in a million street style photographs from Sundance a few years back. However, I just couldn't justify getting them since they'd only see the light of day (and snow?) maybe once per year. Planet Shoes (one of my favorite online shoe retailers due to their selection and corporate philosophy of green living) has an unreal stock of Sorel boots. I spied this amped up alternative cousin of the duck boot I originally wanted: hidden wedge, no fur, and I thought those would get more wear here in Austin than the traditional fur lined boots. I love these. I haven't seen anything else like them out there, and I can't wait to try these with a my new leggings and a chunky oversized sweater. Maybe next week?

And this necklace! It's the size of a gong, right? For as long as I can remember, one of my goals in getting dressed every day is to wear something that would cause a stranger to strike up a conversation with me. A social icebreaker, if you will. Yesterday was the hat, for example. Today is the necklace. This necklace is huge (I know!), but it is the number one thing in my wardrobe that will cause people to stop and talk to me. Men, women, young people, old people: it is the instant conversation starter. I can't imagine who gave this up to a thrift store, but I'm happy it's in my life.
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Update: Check out Planet Shoes' Sorel giveaway here!

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Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

22 weeks // Feelin' Like a True Texan + an Ariat Giveaway [closed]


22 weeks // leggings + tall boots