22 weeks // leggings + tall boots

Can you believe that this pregnancy is already more than half over? I suppose that's what happens when you don't find out you're pregnant until you're seventeen weeks along!

I have endeavored to get off my bum and document what I've been wearing this time around. I have never been pregnant in the fall and winter, so when I began thinking about how I was going to dress the bump, at the tip top of my wants list was a pair of really great, basic black maternity leggings and a pair of brown, flat over the knee boots. I imagine that these two items will become my go-to's when it starts getting colder.
 date: 20 Nov 2013 // occasioncity seminary for women shirtGap (maternity) // leggings: c/o Boden (maternity) // vest / jacketPJK x Man Repeller // boots: c/o Duo // necklaceJen Loves Kev (handmade) // hat: c/o America Apparel // walletKate Spade // wire bag: some online craft store... can't remember! // lip colorQuince by Bite
If my mom were here, I'm sure she'd tell me I look like I'm going fishing. Am I right or am I right? The bump finally appeared a couple weeks ago. I think every pregnant woman can agree that it's nice going to the "clearly I'm pregnant" stage versus the "is this thing from a large lunch or from gestating?" phase. Duo Boots are the bomb dot com. Why? Because each boot is made to fit your own foot and calf. When I placed my order, I had to give them my calf measurements, ensuring a perfect fit! I love Jen Loves Kev. When I first started reading her blog, I bought a brooch she made and sold via her Etsy shop. I love that four years later, we've become friends and I'm still snatching up her handicrafts. I love this hand painted necklace of hers. It goes with everything!
My friend Joanie and I have three giant bins of maternity clothes that we pass back and forth to each other, because between the two of us (or four of us if you count our husbands) we've managed to make six kids in under six years (!!!). Because all of our kids have been born in October, the giant maternity boxes contain mainly sundresses, shorts, and t-shirts -- no leggings or boots or coats or anything cool weather appropriate. Needless to say, this mama has been burning the midnight oil scoping out the online maternity clothing sales.

I've decided to think outside the box (both literally and figuratively) in the next few months. Watch for some not so basic maternity outfits coming up here in the next few months... including things from my what- not- to wear list! You ready? I am!

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Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

22 weeks // winterizing... almost!


Halloween 2013: box costumes for Jude and Caroline