Officially: Indiana Elsewhere

I'm moving! You've known that for a little while now, but my move to Atlanta also causes a move on the internet. Welcome to (cute, huh?) Won't you please update your bookmarks and link backs accordingly?

There's a long list of growing pains that come along with the migration:

  • LOST COMMENTS // Since I'm dropping Disqus and using Squarespace's comments, I've lost all the comments on the old posts. 
  • GETTING HERE // If you've typed into your browser, you've automatically been redirected here. Tricky! And hello! All my old posts have been imported to this new place and my old site is archived at
  • SEARCH TERMS // If you Google "Adored Austin [birth story]" I'm not sure where you'll end up. I *hope* you'll end up here at the new site, but I don't know how long it takes the black magic of Google to kick in. Anyway, my birth stories are here, my old outfit photos are here, and in the next few days I'll work on putting some of those links in the sidebar. 
  • BROKEN LINKS // If you've linked me in a blog post of yours in the past, I'm not sure where that link will now go, so if you've ever linked me, I would LOVE to help you correct it to the new link. Just shoot me a message with the post where you did an Adored Austin shout-out. 
  • SOCIAL MEDIA // My Twitter has changed to @indianaadams. My Instagram is still @indianaadams. My FB for the time being is still @adoredaustin (can you believe @indianaelsewhere isn't available?!). 
  • TRAFFIC // Obviously a move on the internet makes me worried that I'll lose a significant amount of readers, so anything you can do to get the word out about my new home on the 'net, would be so incredibly appreciated. 
  • CHANGES // This new website gives me a much needed opportunity to refresh my content and write about the things that I really enjoy writing. At my core, I'm a story teller (not a picture taker), and I'm a conference this very moment, hoping to get some wind behind my sails and to be inspired to concentrate on building really good content now. Truth be told, I have been coasting for a while at Adored Austin, feeling a little stuck, so while it's scary to move, I think it will begat some much needed changes. 

Can I just say how excited I am about you making it here?! All in all, I'm excited about the move. Well, the webpage move. The house move? Ugh. I don't want to talk about it.

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

Recap: The Hundred Event


TODAY // Free Ice Cream courtesy of 4Moms at Lick in Austin