Hello, 2013. Let's not be strangers.

Well, that was unexpected. And by "that" I mean my unplanned internet hiatus.

Allow me to reintroduce myself:
Hello. I'm Indiana Adams, and this is my blog.
This is my family:
theotheradamsfamilyCaroline is three months old, Jude is two, and Chris and I are old enough to be able to name three hair metal bands from the 80's, but we're too old to name one member of One Direction or that other popular boy band that's out right now.

I used to call this a personal style blog because I used to document what I wore. I used to dress a little crazy:
I still get dressed every day, but since I'm nursing and chasing around a very active toddler, I don't dress as crazy.
Last November my computer, iPad, and camera stopped working. I kind of felt like a character on Revolution (except I still had my phone... and no one was trying to assassinate me... that I know of), and my little break away from the internet turned into a long break away from the internet while those things were getting fixed and while we were hosting family and traveling. I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to return. But, alas, I'm back! And I'm happy to be back. I've missed it!

This is a little what I did over Christmas vacation:
adoredaustinbreak1. I took the kids to see Santa. Jude was not impressed. // 2. Caroline has a large collection of large headbands. Yes, I'm that mom. I will continue to be that mom until my baby is no longer bald. // 3. My 90 year old Grandma is still up to her shenanigans. She sat on Santa's lap at the VFW in her home town. // 4. Jude was excited about Christmas, but he pronounced it "crystal meth". // 5. My kiddos slept until 10:30 a.m. on Christmas morning. Merry Christmas to me! // 6. I am doing NROL4W as part of a new year's resolution to get stronger, but first I'm doing Starting Strength.

I have fun plans for Adored Austin in 2013. Even though I still plan to take outfit photos from time to time, I don't think I can call this a personal style blog anymore, but I'm okay with that. I hope you're okay with that, too.

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

It's true. I love pageants.


Behind the drape: An interview with Project Runway's Nina Garcia and Tim Gunn