What's with the butterfly?

When Hubs and I first started dating, I met up with him at a music festival that his band was playing in, and I was wearing a tank top with a butterfly silk-screened on the side. With his typically male bluntness he asked, "What's with the butterfly?" I balked and began to question my fashion sanity. "What does he mean 'what's with the butterfly'? Does he hate butterflies? Is this shirt stupid? Does he hate me? Am I stupid?" Turns out he just liked the shirt and had never seen one like it. For the last nine years, "what's with the butterfly" has become an oft repeated inside joke of ours, and I now have an affinity for butterflies.

So when Mallary, the owner of Austin's newest e-boutique let me pick something from her shop The Unique Closet, I was instantly drawn to this jersey knit butterfly print frock (I'm very tall so it reads more like a tunic on me):
timilesliedate: 4 Nov 2010
occasion: trying to avoid cabin fever!
dress: courtesy of The Unique Closet
underdress (added for length): Liz Lange Maternity
tights: American Apparel
wedges: thrifted Nine West via Buffalo Exchange
belt: Buffalo Exchange new merch (turned inside out)
diaper bag: Timi & Leslie
hair bow: estate sale

I really like the concept of The Unique Closet. The prices are just right, and for every purchase you make, review you take the time to write, or friend you refer, you get points. You can then turn the points in for more merchandise. Cool, huh? They even carry really cute plus-size clothing (the dress I'm wearing is actually a 1x). I love supporting Austin based businesses, and I have bookmarked The Unique Closet for future shopping. They have a Facebook that explains everything (of course!), so when you get a moment, check it out. If you are in Austin, check out the pop-up shop event that's happening on Nov. 13th.

When Hubs came home from work today and saw me sporting this dress, I cracked up as he asked, "What's with the butterfly?" LOVE IT.

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

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