I'm doing 512

I am so happy to announce that I've joined the Do512 team as their newest blogger! I'll be covering fashion and style in Austin, and they're even going to let me do ridiculous video blogs and funny reviews. I truly appreciate being asked to team up with them, and I'm excited about getting out and about and discovering all the quirky, fun, fashion things in Austin. As always, my blogger bio is pretty absurd... just the way I like it!

If you're an Austinine and you haven't yet joined Do512, I want to prod you to get your booty over there to create a profile and start clicking "I LIKE IT" for local events. They give away free tickets all the time, you can connect it to your Facebook and Twitter, and it's a great resource for finding out what's going on in our neck of the woods. I use their site to power my personal calendar and the "be seen" sidebar on Adored Austin. You can even see what events I'm digging on my personal Do512 page. Check it out.

If you live in Chicago you can check out their sister site: Do312, which just launched today! More area codes coming soon!

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

My TOMS Wedges have arrived!

