Blog spotlight: hot mammas!

Guess what! I'm still wearing my pajamas! After yesterday's crotchtacular mishaps and because I need to do laundry, I'm stumped as to what to wear today. Dressing this baby bump is getting harder and harder as my midsection get larger and larger. Luckily, thanks to the power of the internet, I was able to scour some of my favorite pregnant lady (or formerly pregnant lady) blogs to gain some inspiration. If you are dressing for two (or plan to one day), I hope you can use the following chickadees for inspiration:

Scroll way back for Melissa's pregnancy archives at Dear Baby. She's leads the most charmed life, ever! I've been a fan of hers for a long time, and I'm pretty sure that she's one of the reasons why baby fever hit the Adams household.
[Image ©Melissa Jordan.]

I linked Cole yesterday, but Trish at Pacing the Panic Room is pretty phenomenal, too!
[Image ©Ryan Marshall.]

My friend and Delightful Dozen cohort Jen from Jen loves Kev is about a trimester ahead of me. We're the same height and were about the same pre-pregnancy build, so she is has a great influence on me!
[Image ©Jen Lula.]

Sarah at Small Town Chic has a very real, tangible style and always manages to look great!

Eszter at Stylorectic is kinda a big deal. I imagine that she's Austria's Jane. Despite being ready to pop, she constantly lands on the front page of getting way hyped.
[Image ©Eszter F.]

Megan Nielsen is a clothing designer, and she gave birth a few month ago. Her outfit archives are so cute! Since she knows how to construct beautiful clothing, she is a natural expert at dressing the body well, no matter how pregnant or not pregnant a woman is.

[Image ©Megan Nielsen.]

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

It is getting warmer and I am getting bigger!


Not that I'm usually in the habit of posting photos of me that I hate, but...