Rue McClanahan, I love you!

Thank you for all the emails and texts about the passing of my beloved Golden Girl Rue McClanahan! As some of my long time readers know, I'm a huge fan of The Golden Girls and even had a Golden Girls themed birthday party at Luby's last October:

Blanche Devereaux was always so saucy and bold... including in the way she dressed. It is my hope that when I'm golden aged I can take a cue from her character and still rock the animal prints and long necklaces! In honor of her passing, I'll be sure to wear my Golden Girls best soon.

[Bottom three photos ©Emmy Filkins.]
Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

A sucker for seersucker


Save the date: Friday, June 18th- Etsy / Readymade Craft Night