This may be my new favorite outfit!

It's finally cold enough here to wear a winter coat. Since I'm going to the poshest place on earth (Tiffany's to get my bracelet fixed), I thought today was a good day to bust out the fur coat as well as the dress I scored at Buffalo Exchange yesterday:
lace dress
lace dress + fur coat
lace dress + fur coatdate: 2 December 2009
occasion: shopping and date night!
vintage fur: Texas thrift
dress: thrifted yesterday from Buffalo Exchange (no tags)
button up: Express
cable knit tights: American Apparel
wedges: Victoria Spencer
vintage necklace: Style Station

When I got this coat back in September, we had some discussion about our views on fur. I'm all for vintage or second-hand fur, but I can't imagine ever buying new fur. I got this beauty for only $5, and you better believe I'm going to wear the heck out of it this winter! It's just now cold enough in Austin to wear a coat. Notice how I still haven't worn jeans, though. I'm holding out for as long as I possibly can!

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

A letter to Urban Outfitters, keeper of my Dream Boots


Guess who got misquoted in The Wall Street Journal today...