blog Indiana Adams blog Indiana Adams

Introducing: #MomPrompts on Instagram

I love blogging. I've been doing it as a hobby since 1999 and over the years I've met hundreds of fellow bloggers at various conferences, including TxSC (rest in peace, my little blog conference!).

But for the last couple years I've noticed that Instagram seems to be where the party is at. 

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blog Indiana Adams blog Indiana Adams

On having hashimoto's

I've mentioned this on Instagram, and since then I've been trying to figure out how to write a post about it without making is a "feel alarmed or sorry for me" kind of post. So up front, don't be alarmed for me! Things are under control. 

It's been quiet here and with the podcast because I've been working very hard this last month to get my health in check. Some background: 

In 2008, after being misdiagnosed with Lupus in college, I finally got a handle on my health with a correct diagnosis of Hashimoto's Syndrome.

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