Rest for your soul (but unfortunately not necessarily your body)

I love naps. I have a t-shirt that says "nap team captain", Katie (our podcast producer) bought me a mug that says "Nap Queen" and I have an entire area of my house dedicated to the art of napping. Behold my sleeping porch:

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However, as much as I appreciate a good afternoon snooze, honest to goodness rest (the kind of rest you feel down to your soul) feels like a luxury to me. One that I cannot afford. I have laundry to do, math homework to grade, groceries to buy, and all my kids need to be at different places by certain times. My tank is always running on fumes. I mean that literally (#minivanlife) and I mean that figuratively. So much to do, so little time.

I cut corners everywhere, always rolling in on two wheels. I hit the drive-thru and my kids eat lunch while buckled into their car seats while listening to their homeschool work through the minivan speakers. I nix quiet time and vow to listen to the Bible when I exercise. I nix exercise and vow to take the stairs more. "Take the time to enjoy your little ones while they're still little", they say. "Slow down, take a break," they say. That sounds good and all, but mom life is a busy life and the moment I mark off something from the top of my to-do list, I have to add two more things to the bottom.

This week I got to talk to Shaunti Feldhahn about unrest. What I love about her is that she never says the solution is to slow down or to plan a vacation. Do I need a vacation? Certainly! But am I allowed to take a vacation any time I'm tired? Unfortunately not.

The name of her newest book is Find Rest: A Women's Devotional to Lasting Peace in a Busy Life. And that's just what the focus of our talk is. We lead busy lives. We need wisdom that gives us peace that lasts long after the nap is over.

I learned so much (including why I should be nicer to my husband), and I can't wait for you to listen!

Indiana Adams
I like clothes, chicken wings, and sunshine.

Clear eyes, full hearts, the truth: about my time as an FNL extra.


Okay, so I know what you want