Spring 10x10

I don't have a good track record with style challenges or daily photo challenges or weekly journals or really anything that requires me to do things routinely in a public manner. 

However, I saw that Caroline at Unfancy had posted a new post, and she, along with fellow blogger Lee of Style Bee and designer Elizabeth Suzann have begun a new 10x10 challenge. For those of you who aren't familiar with these types of style challenges, basically, a bunch of people decide to wear [however many] items only for [as many] days, without repeating an outfit. In this case, it's ten items for ten days.

I'm not all about the capsule wardrobe. Been there, done that, not for me. However, I am all about shopping thoughtfully and living playfully. I enjoy the process of getting dressed, but even more so than that, I enjoy being a part of a creative community. And if there's a creative community collectively doing a style-based assignment? Okay. I'm in. 

I really liked what Caroline had to say about it: 

No need to buy anything. No need to throw anything out. No need to commit to minimalism forever. No need to overhaul your wardrobe.
Instead, it’s all about trying something new and having fun. This isn’t a serious, rule-based challenge. Sure, it has guidelines, but really, it’s less about the success of the challenge, and more about what it teaches us along the way.
Everyone has a different reason for jumping in. Some people do it to test drive a minimalist wardrobe without the commitment. Some use it as a trial run to pack for an upcoming trip. Some do it to find like-minded style friends through the #10x10friends hashtag. And some do it to push their outfit-making creativity to new heights.

I'm doing it, oddly enough, because I want to practice blogging and being active on my personal Instagram more. Doing outfit of the day photos should feel old hat to me, but it's been so long since I've had a foot in the door, that it suddenly seems like fun to me again. So, let's go. Obviously, I'm starting with a pair of overalls:


Ten days isn't long. And I'm already 1/10th of the way in. 

I'll update this post with photos of my ten items, but in the meantime here's what I've chosen: 

01 / Overalls (Madewell) | 02 / Jeans (Imogene + Willie) |  03 / Leggings (Spanx) | 04 / Gray dress (Old Navy) | 05 / Pink dress (Anthropologie) | 06 / White tee (Madewell) | 07 / Wrap blouse (Madewell) | 08 / Loafers (Madewell) | 09 / Sneakers (Adidas) | 10 / Wedges (TOMS)

Browse my 10x10:

Shop similar: 

Indiana Adams
I like clothes, chicken wings, and sunshine.

To-Do: April '18


On embracing vulnerability