The Hundred: The Outfits

I haven't mentioned that I put 90% of my clothing on the moving truck already, have I? Maybe not on my blog, but my Austin friends are probably very sick of hearing me complain about this error. So naturally, when I signed up to go to The Hundred Event, the very first thing I did was put in an order to Rent the Runway. I know I have the tendency to whine "I have nothing to wearrrrrrrrrrrrrr..." but this time it was actually true! 

Here were my picks for Friday's registration, Saturday's day time talks, Saturday's nighttime dinner party, and Sunday's brunch: 

How I wore them: 

Can I just take a moment here to tell y'all how much I loved being able to wear such nice clothing and a bra that wasn't a nursing bra? It makes me wish I had the kind of life that is filled with events that necessitate constant Rent the Runway selections! But alas, I turned back into a pumpkin Sunday afternoon. Yoga pants on. Dresses and jumpsuits off and back in the mail. 

On a related side note: I don't think I've ever met a jumpsuit I didn't like. On a scale of 1- 10 how weird would it be if I only wore one piece outfits (rompers, jumpers, overalls, etc) from here on out? 

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

A surprise for Emily


Recap: The Hundred Event