The breeze really is a breeze + a giveaway!

Chris and I are in the middle of decluttering our house. It is a massive undertaking, but it's been a long time coming and is much needed!

As you might imagine (or can attest to), it ain't easy cleaning house with three little ones underfoot. I try to put in an hour of serious dcluttering a day. Usually I knock it out during their nap time, but if for some reason all three monkeys aren't catching zzzz's at the same time, I need to go to plan B. Jude, thankfully, can be contained via the power of a sticker book or the movie Turbo. Caroline, however, gets into everything. If I need just a few more minutes to finish up what I'm doing (nursing or cleaning up teeny tiny things Caroline would undoubtedly try to eat otherwise) I need to keep that girl contained. Enter: the 4moms breeze-

I love 4moms products. My friends and I have passed around a mamaRoo between us for the last three years, and if you follow me on Instagram, you no doubt were awed by my origami stroller (more on that at a later date).

True story: pack and plays are notoriously difficult to collapse. I don't know if she'd want me sharing this, but the one we had at my mother-in-law's house was so infernal that my sweet MIL ended up breaking it while attempting to collapse it and had to go get a new one.

I don't have time to wrestle with a play yard, and the one that I currently have is collecting dust in Caroline's closet because it's rarely worth the effort of setting it up.

So, wouldn't you know it, 4moms has what I'd say, without hesitation, the best play yard on the market. I mean, seriously. It was so easy to set up that I thought for sure I had done something wrong. Nothing is that simple, right? Hmmm:

No, really. It is that simple. And unlike my current pack and play, the 4moms breeze comes with a bassinet topper (also insanely easy to install) for Lu:

4moms is giving one breeze away to a very lucky Adored Austin reader (below), and they're also giving one away every day in June on their Facebook page, so up your chances and enter over there (daily!), too. Leave a comment to enter to win below: a Rafflecopter giveaway

Speaking of decluttering, now that we have a breeze at our place and my mother-in-law's, we'll be getting rid of our old one ASAP. To which I say good riddance!

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Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

How I feel fresh in the Austin heat featuring New Ban® Total Refresh™ Cooling Cloths


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