My postpartum favorites + a giveaway [closed]

As I write this, I am still pregnant, but tomorrow is my due date! We are ready to go here in the Adams household, eager to welcome our (as of now, unnamed) little girl into our lives. Last month I did a little post about some of my favorite products and books I used throughout my pregnancy. As I gear up to shift out of pregnancy, I thought I'd post a little idea sparker for gifts you can get a new mom to help her in her immediate postpartum days:
postpartum gift ideas for mom1. pajamas that button up the front // 2. thick body butter formulated to help fade stretch marks* // 3. deodorant powder // 4. a sleep mask filled with lavender pods // 5. thank you cards // 6. a nice pen

Please follow the jump to read my product reviews and to win a full-sized container of DreamBelly Butter ($17.95 ARV). Three winners will be chosen!

1. Button front pajamas: I love seahorses. They're my favorite animal because they mate for life and every morning the lady seahorse hooks tails with her man seahorse and they dance and dance. Needless to say, these luxurious pajamas by Marigot will be the very first thing I put on after my first postpartum shower. The button front top will not impede my nursing, and I can't get over the quality of the fabric. They feel so good! Not too thin, not too thick, and very breathable. Getting a new mom a nice set of pajamas or a robe is a really good idea. She'll feel pretty and fresh and clean, but most of all comfortable. Plus she'll be able to wear them well after her postpartum period.

2. Belly moisturizer: Regardless of whether or not your new mom friend or wife got stretch marks, her abdomen area is a-changin'. She'll need to keep her skin moisturized as it attempts to shrink up. This DreamBelly Butter has a really light fragrance of milk and honey and goes on thick and rich, but not at all greasy. Since women's skin tend to get drier in the fall and winter, I don't see why a non-pregnant woman or someone who isn't a new mom couldn't use this. There's no petroleum, parabens, artificial colors or preservatives, which means even the crunchiest of ladies will love this stuff. Enter to win a full-sized container below!

3. Deodorant powder: Here's something no one told me about: after your baby is born, you will sweat like crazy. Seriously. You'll just be laying in bed, sweating like you just played a set of tennis in July. It's your hormones readjusting, your body working hard to make milk, and the shedding of all the excess fluids you carried around while pregnant. Thus why you need deodorant powder. Lush makes several natural deodorants, but my favorite is Coconut. It's lightweight and the scent is scant. I keep mine on my nightstand and use it often. I can only imagine that once Ladybird is here I'll be going through it very quickly!

4. Sleep mask: I kind of want to cry just thinking about it, but for Jude's whole first year, I didn't get much sleep. He did not sleep through the night well at all, so I had to take naps when he napped if I wanted any sleep at all. This meant a lot of short snoozes during the day, and I don't think I could have fallen asleep as quickly or slept as hard without my lavender scented sleep mask.

5. Thank you cards: Ladybird's welcome to the world gifts started coming last month, and I am such a jerk. I haven't written anyone any thank you cards yet, mainly because I haven't been out to get any. I have my eye on these Kate Spade thank you cards, but you don't have to get that fancy (Target has a decent selection). Chances are the new mom in your life will have some thanking to do. Help a lady out by buying her a cute set of cards. Maybe you'll even get a thank you card for the thank you cards.

6. A nice pen: Everyone could use a nice pen, right? A new baby means sending out birth announcements and writing thank you cards. Get a new mom a good quality pen, and she'll be appreciative of this small token of thoughtfulness. I am digging this Seven Year Pen because it's cute, it writes smooth, and hello! It's supposed to write for seven years... that is if I don't lose it or one of my kids takes it by then.

The new baby always gets lots of gifts, but sometimes the new mom is overlooked. So please go ahead and enter this drawing so you can treat yo' self (or yo' friend) to the DreamBelly Butter:

[Edit: Form removed. Entry period passed. Winners contacted.]

As always, no hoops to jump through here (i.e. no need to reblog or tweet for additional entries). Please only one entry per person.

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[This post was also on the Lucky Magazine Contributors' blog]

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

I have a two year old already?


This Week's Favorites // Last Week of September 2012