What not to wear when pregnant (2010 post)

A lot of pregnant style bloggers do a lot of maternity outfit photos, and I am sad that I couldn't get up and out to do more. Since I ended up doing bed rest off and on from 22 weeks on, I didn't wear a lot of things that were not maternity tanks and Chris' athletic shorts.

In full disclosure, as I write this, it's Sunday, September 23rd, and I've used most of the day queuing up the posts for this week, including Monday's giveaway, yesterday's Project Runway post, today's post, and tomorrow's. Today's is simply a link to something I wrote two years ago that I think deserves another look. It's just as applicable today as it was back then:
donotwearRead more >>>

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Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

Old Navy Fall Haul


Guest post: Adored Austin on Project Runway