Oh, hello. I'm the Delightful Dozen slacker.

Raise your hand if you hated group projects in school. Let me guess: those of you who raised your hand were probably the go-getters of your group and would inevitably get stuck with some procrastinating slacker that would take credit for you pulling more than your fair share of the group project, right? Well, on behalf of all those last minute slackers, I apologize.

Confession: I am the hold-up spot in the Delightful Dozen. I currently have five of their items sitting in my house, waiting to be worn and passed on. That's why I decided to wear three at once on Sunday so I could finally, finally, finally get these to the next D12 member:

date: 13 Nov 2011 | occasion: Austin City Life
cardigan: Lee & Birch via D12 | blouse: Mandi's vintage via D12 | bag: Le Mode Accessories via D12 | leggings: BCBG via Marshall's | shoes: Lulu's | earrings: Francesca's | bow tie: DIY (instructions)

Two more D12 dresses to show you and I'm all caught up! Don't ever loan me video rentals or library books, okay? The record shows that I'm a slow returner.
Watch the Delightful Dozen blog for a giveaway of that amazing bag soon. I swear I'll mail it to the winner in a timely manner... if I can ever bear to give it up!

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

Giveaway [closed]: Hollywood Fashion Secrets Jean Kit


Thursday: You're invited!