Double shorts

One of the first bloggers I ever connected with was Mel from Ideé Géniale. We both arrived on the scene in a more regular way in June of 2009 and mutually stalked each other all over Weardrobe, Chictopia, and all those other sites. We were among the first members of the Delightful Dozen together. I've admired her style and her honesty from day one. Something else I admired (more recently) was her black lace shorts from High Gloss fashion (seen here). I promptly added them to my "gotta have 'em" list. Since I've found myself wearing shorts more often than dresses lately, I picked up a pair of floral shorts from High Gloss Fashion, too. When they arrived, I realized that I liked them together and that they went well with my new wedges:

date: 30 June 2011 | occasion: Nintendo party with Robert & Heidi
tee: Urban Outfitters | lace shorts: High Gloss Fashion | floral shorts: c/o High Gloss Fashion | shoes: c/o PB&J Boutique

Who are some of the first style bloggers you started following? My first bookmarked sites were Mel from Ideé Géniale, Elizabeth from Delightfully Tacky, Jessica from What I Wore, and Krystal from This Time Tomorrow, and Jen from Jen Loves Kev.
Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

What She Wore


Inspired by Claudia and Veronika (and a watermelon)