Two days, ten years!

For seven years, I have successfully managed to drag our anniversary out into a two day celebration. Chris is a really great sport about it. Since June 11th is the date we started dating and June 12th is the date we got married (three years later), it's a great excuse to celebrate for two whole days.

On Saturday, we took Jude to Fredericksburg. I solicited suggestions via Twitter and tried to do everything y'all suggested: I attempted to shop the antique stores on Main Street, we ate at Rather Sweet Bakery, and I stopped in Red. We came back to Austin, bought some peaches from a roadside stand, dropped Jude off at home, and had a nice dinner at the Mansion at Judges' Hill (Woo! Groupon!).

anniversary weekend
floral dress: Buffalo Exchange, last seen here.
purple beaded dress: ECI (haggled down to $6.97 at Nordstrom Rack!).

10 years

By no means has it been a fairy tale, but we are thankful to be able look back and see evidences of God's grace. We're excited to see our marriage continuing to mature as we learn more about each other, create more shared history, and fall more and more in love.

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.



And she's back in the game!