
Newest time waster in my life? Pinterest:

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Pinterest is a collection of inspiration boards and a handy visual bookmarking tool. You can have as many boards as you'd like. I have one for style, one for decor, one for things I like for Jude, one of cool dogs I like, and lots more. You can post to your boards alone or do a collaboration, and there's a simple image/ link grabber that you drag up to your toolbar to "repin" images from whatever website you're on. Since I love browsing online boutiques this has been a wonderful addition (addiction?) for me.

If you're already on Pinterest, find me at The community is invite only, so if you'd like to be a part of it, leave a comment with the email address I can send your into to or DM me that info on Twitter!

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

With one accord


Neither trashy or flashy