Win $35 for

My sweet mom and her best friend gave me a little bit of cash for my birthday, and since I love to maximize my money, I've been scouring for some great deals. Y'all already know how much I like Smashion! To help me celebrate my upcoming birthday, Smashion is giving away a $35 reimbursement credit to one lucky Adored Austin reader. If you don't mind flipping through the listing pages, you can find a lot of cute things with just $35! Here's some examples from my Smashion wishlist:smashion

To win, you must create a Smashion account if you don't already have one. You can do that by using THIS LINK (simply click "not registered yet" on the tip top of the page). Also, when you get a moment, be sure to check out the Smashion forums, like Smashion on Facebook, and follow Smashion on Twitter.

Enter the drawing here:[googleapps domain="spreadsheets" dir="embeddedform" query="formkey=dDB5LXg1MFFlUVo5NDZJTnF0dnNIcWc6MQ" width="500" height="550" /]Best of luck, everyone! If you're having trouble accessing this form, the direct link to it is here.

note: is an Adored Austin partner.
Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

The Man Makeover: still going strong


Leggings + Jeans= Jeggings (and I just now got a pair)