Check out this superfluously long scarf!

Sorry for such late postings today! I had a very full day, which is always a treat for me.

This morning I got my culture on. I went to The Blanton Museum of Art today with my friend William (who is in town from Wisconsin doing the special effects editing on "I Didn't Come Here to Die"). I woke up early and -BUMMER- there was a hole in my new yellow sweater that I wanted to wear. I was in a hurry and had no time to replan, so I just switched sweaters. My outfit ended up being very tame. I didn't realize until I got out the door how absurdly long my new scarf was (it was a gift with purchase from Victoria's Secret for buying the yellow sweater... and now that I think about it, almost that whole shipment is turning out to be a dud!). Anyway, see how long it is? I'm 5'8'', so I'm guessing that it's at least seven feet long:
A very superfluous scarf!

date: 3 December 2009
occasion: looking at fancy old art and Christmas shopping
scarf: Victoria's Secret
dress: thrifted
sweater: American Apparel
belt: thrifted
tights: Target
boots: vintage, Style Station
bracelet: gift from Emmy

You can do a lot of absurd styles with a superfluously long scarf:

What to do with an extremely superfluous scarf!

Top row (L-R): floor duster, face muff.
Middle row (L-R): very long bow tie,
harfo (hat/ scarf combo).
Bottom row (L-R): tube top, Borat-style swimsuit.

Yeah... I wouldn't try those last two out in public if I were you, though...

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.



Better late than never, stud.