Goodbye, Seymour. I love you.

Seymour has a new Goodwill store, and Hubs and I hit it up early yesterday morning. It was amazing! If I had more room in my luggage, I would have stocked up on all the fun 80's dresses and 70's dishes. I found this amazing leather coat there for $7.99. I tried to talk the cashier down to $5.00, but she wasn't budging:

New leather coat

date: 4 October 2009
occasion: family lunch and roaming around Seymour
late 1970's leather jacket: Berman's Leather
tee: Target
skirt: American Apparel
belt: Savers
tights: Target
shoes: flea market find

I'm flying back to Texas today, and I'm a little sad to be leaving my hometown. I do think that next time I visit Seymour, I'm going to bring an empty suitcase to fill up with goodies from the flea markets and Goodwill. There were so many vintage dishes and dresses at Goodwill, that I was having happy heart palpitations!

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

crafty bloggers


Seymour, Indiana: thrifting treasures