I thrift and I look like I thrift

It's days like today where I have to fight the fight against my desire to put on something totally different than what I ACTUALLY wore today for my self-style dailies. This is a typical, insanely cozy and casual Day o' Thrifting Outfit for me, as I spent most the rainy afternoon at Savers. I would like you to believe I did most of my shopping in four inch heels and a killer couture dress and coat, but alas, if that's what you believe, I now have to smack you squarely into reality with these schleppy photos:
hypercolor shirt + elephantsdate: 29 September 2009
occasion: thrifting adventure at Savers
thermochromatic shirt: American Apparel
sweater: Kimchi and Blue
belt (as necklace): thrifted from Savers
boots: Minnetonka
shorts: F21

Three things about this outfit:
1. That elephant necklace is actually a belt. This is just the start of my grand tradition of wearing things as necklaces that are not actually necklaces.
2. American Apparel can call it a "thermochromatic shirt" all it wants. We all know it's Hypercolor.
3. That grey sweater is something I will LIVE in come winter. I am shocked that this is its first appearance on Adored Austin, but beware. You are about to see that thing over and over again like a bad guest star on a cheesy soap opera.

Ah me. I'm not at all dressed like a girl who should be on Glamour.com so I sure hope they don't revoke that post about me or anything.

Now I'm curious: Do most fashion bloggers occassionally feel tempted to put on something a little nicer for their daily style photos? When you dress ultra casual, do you just opt to not take a photo that day?

Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

Stellar Seller: Savers


Hey, I know that chick!