Blog of the week: Delightfully Tacky

Sometimes you hap upon a blogger and you're like, "Dude! Where have you been all my life?" Such is the case with me finally discovering the wonderfulness that is Delightfully Tacky. I don't even remember how I first stumbled upon her site (maybe she came here? maybe I found her through Ideé Géniale?), but nonetheless, this girl has some crazy awesome, original, and bold stylings going on over there.Delightfully Tacky is delightful, indeed! Her photos are always large and visually interesting. Seriously. They look like they came straight from a Nylon fashion spread. The blog itself is the perfect mix of fashion commentary, self- style photos, humor, vulnerability, and DIY. Plus she makes these incredible feather and floral headbands that she plans to sell on Etsy soon:I am coo-coo for her headbands, and of course, her bangs.

Check out one of Alaska's most stylish gals at:
[images from Delightfully Tacky]
Indiana Adams
I like my sugar with coffee and cream. I'm Indiana. I used to live in Austin. I live elsewhere now.

I need a (super) hero


Warning: this post starts out talking about plaid, but then it moves on to BABIES